On 4 June 2013 11:16, Jörg Schaible <joerg.schai...@scalaris.com> wrote:
> sebb wrote:
>> DBCP is complicated to release, because the source has to be
>> pre-processed in order to build additional versions of the code.
>> (unlike the rest of Java, JDBC is not generally upwards compatible).
>> The source code in SVN is for the latest JDBC version we support, and
>> can be built and deployed using Maven the same as any other normal
>> Commons component.
>> [At least I assume that is the case; if not that ought to be fixed first]
>> Previous versions are currently built and deployed using Ant which has
>> to pre-process the source before doing the build.
>> Now component RCs should ideally be built from a fresh checkout of the
>> tag, so one possible approach would be to use Ant to create the tag
>> and workspace and then use Maven as before.
>> It would mean using multiple workspaces, but it does not take huge
>> amounts of disk space.
>> The process for previous JDBC versions would be:
>> Checkout a fresh workspace from SVN.
>> Run Ant to fix up the source code
>> Create the RC tag directly from the workspace
>> Use Maven to build and deploy the jars.
>> Does that sound like a possible approach?
> Why not use the antrun plugin in a profile in the generate-sources phase to
> filter the sources into a new directory in target/generates-sources and also
> set the path to the Java source in that profile to this directory? You can
> even reuse our existing profiles for the Java runtime:

Would the generated source jars contain the updated source?
Ditto Javadoc?

I presume one would then just need to run the Maven build/deploy once
for each JDBC version?

Seems worth a try.

Might also be worth considering using a classifier to distinguish the
jars, rather than a version number?

> ========= %< ===========
>  <build>
>    <sourceDirectory>${dbcp.source.directory}</sourceDirectory>
>  </build>
>  <profiles>
>    <profile>
>      <id>jdk-1.5</id>
>      <build>
>        <plugins>
>          <plugin>
>            <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
>            <executions>
>              <execution>
>                <id>filter-out-jdbc4</id>
>                <phase>generate-sources</phase>
>                <goals>
>                  <goal>run</goal>
>                </goals>
>              </execution>
>            </executions>
>            <configuration>
>  <!- filter sources into target/generated-sources/java ->
>            </configuration>
>          </plugin>
>        </plugins>
>      </build>
>      <properties>
>        <dbcp.source.directory>target/generated-
> sources/java</db.source.directory>
>      </properties>
>    </profile>
>  </profiles>
>  <properties>
>    <dbcp.source.directory>src/main/java</db.source.directory>
>  </properties>
> ========= %< ===========
> For the release you can now activate the appropriate JDK profile, provide
> the versions with the command line and possibly we can additionally add an
> enforcer rule to avoid errors.
> - Jörg
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