Yes, I'll reset RAT to 0.8...


On May 14, 2013, at 5:44, luc <> wrote:

> Le 2013-05-14 08:41, Thomas Neidhart a écrit :
>> On 05/14/2013 07:48 AM, Gary Gregory wrote:
>>> Can someone (Luc) try this CP version or trunk with commons [IO]. I
>>> was
>>> able to run 'mvn clean site' with M3.0.5 and Java 7 on Win7 but it
>>> almost
>>> took an hour! As opposed to a couple of minutes with CP 28.
>>> I am hoping that this is a weird thing with my star alignment
>>> because the
>>> whole point of JaCoCo is that it is faster.
>> Tested it with trunk (29-SNAPSHOT) and it is slow, but this is mainly
>> due to the rat plugin. Reverting the version to 0.8 makes it run in ~
>> 5
>> min on my machine.
> Same here. Adding the following line to [io] poml.xml greatly reduces
> the
> time (down to about 5 minutes):
>  <commons.rat.version>0.8</commons.rat.version>
> Gary, is this problem a blocker for the release? Do you want me to cut
> another
> RC setting rat plugin back to 0.8 by default?
>> btw. I see that the jacoco plugin set the agent parametes, but after
>> doing a mvn clean site I do not see the jacoco results.
> You probably forgot to change the argLine configuration. In the [io]
> pom.xml (and
> and also for a few other components), you have to change
>   <argLine>-Xmx25M</argLine>
> into
>   <argLine>-Xmx25M ${argLine}</argLine>
> best regards, Luc
>> Thomas
>>> [INFO]
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [INFO] Total time: 56:56.140s
>>> [INFO] Finished at: Mon May 13 16:54:33 EDT 2013
>>> [INFO] Final Memory: 68M/431M
>>> [INFO]
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> TY!
>>> Gary
>>> On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 10:38 AM, Luc Maisonobe <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> This is a VOTE to release Commons Parent 29 from RC2
>>>> Changes in this version include:
>>>> Changes:
>>>> o         cobertura-maven-plugin         2.5.2 -> removed
>>>>          jacoco-maven-plugin                  ->
>>>>          maven-surefire-plugin          2.13  -> 2.14.1
>>>>          maven-surefire-report-plugin   2.13  -> 2.14.1
>>>>          maven-changes-plugin           2.8   -> 2.9
>>>>          maven-compiler-plugin          3.0   -> 3.1
>>>>          maven-release-plugin           2.3.2 -> 2.4.1
>>>>          maven-site-plugin              3.2   -> 3.3
>>>>          apache-rat-plugin              0.8   -> 0.9
>>>> The main change is the replacement of cobertura with JaCoCo for
>>>> test
>>>> coverage analysis.  The former is not maintained anymore, has
>>>> numerous
>>>> bugs and is extremely slow in some situations (typically generating
>>>> coverage reports for [math] took about 9 hours whereas standard
>>>> tests
>>>> run in about 10 minutes). One important implication is that since
>>>> JaCoCo relies on setting an agent, it is triggered only if JDK used
>>>> to
>>>> run the tests is at least Java 1.5 (this is automatically
>>>> detected),
>>>> and it changes the argument line of surefire tests.  If a component
>>>> also needs to adapt the surefire command line, it must add the
>>>> property ${argLine} to the argument line in order to preserve
>>>> JaCoCo
>>>> settings. An example for this is Apache Commons IO, where the
>>>> maven-surefire-plugin setting must read as (note the use of the
>>>> ${argLine} property):
>>>>    <plugins>
>>>>      <plugin>
>>>>        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>>>>        <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
>>>>        <configuration>
>>>>          <forkMode>pertest</forkMode>
>>>>          <!-- limit memory size see IO-161 -->
>>>>          <!-- the ${argLine} preserves jacoco agent settings (see
>>>> (see
>>>> -->
>>>>          <argLine>-Xmx25M ${argLine}</argLine>
>>>>          ...
>>>>        </configuration>
>>>>      </plugin>
>>>>      ...
>>>>    </plugins>
>>>> This VOTE by LAZY-CONSENSUS is open for at least 72 hours, so it
>>>> will
>>>> be closed on 2013-05-16T15:00:00Z (that is UTC time).
>>>> Since this is the parent pom, there are only maven artifacts and
>>>> the
>>>> subversion tag available:
>>>> artifacts:
>>>> <
>>>> tag:
>>>> <
>>>> Luc
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