New to the list, so first a "hello" to all :)

Guess the default is just to run the tests.
The project you were saying about where tests do not run by default -
probably has a property in the pom to skip tests.


On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Luc Maisonobe <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> In the last few days, I looked into the commons parent pom as well as
> several other poms to set up JaCoCo reports. There is something I don't
> understand: with our current setting at Apache, when we run "mvn clean
> site", the tests are automatically run. In another non-Apache project,
> when I do the same thing, tests are not run, and I have to manually run
> them before building the site.
> Could someone explain me what we did to have this magic happen in commons?
> Luc
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