On 2013-05-07, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:

> On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 6:09 AM, Stefan Bodewig <bode...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 2013-05-06, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:

>>> I've been hacking on a patch that adds support for reading 7zip archives.

>> COMPRESS-54 is the most popular issue so you'd make quite a few people
>> happy.

> I doubt it - without LZMA support, only 7z archives created with
> special options can be read.

I see.  I've commented on COMPRESS-111, personally I'd prefer a XZ for
Java based solution which would likely Lasse to make LZMA support public
inside XZ for Java.

> Additionally 7z archives require seeking, so there's only SevenZFile,
> no SevenZArchiveInputStream.

It might be possible to provide SevenZArchiveInputStream for Files or
FileInputStreams by just providing a streaming interface above
SevenZFile - but I better look at your code before speculating
further :-)

>> You are talking about read-only suppport, right?

> Yes - even that was painful enough for now :).

Oh yes, I believe that, many thanks.  I didn't intend to belittle your

>> AFAIR there've been either legal/license or technical hurdles to
>> straddle when using external libraries.

> Yes, so I started from scratch, worked only from the 7zFormat.txt
> file, and when that wasn't enough, ported bits of the LZMA SDK's C/C++
> 7z code in the public domain to Java, and have given attribution as
> per LEGAL-72.


>>> Can I go ahead and commit it, or would you like to review it first?

>> I'd be fine with reviewing progress in svn and tracking progress on

> It's committed now :). I tried to use "Jira issue key: COMPRESS-54" in
> the commit message but nothing in Jira happened?

There is some delay, I see your commit now on the "Source" tab of the
issue.  It might take until the weekend before I find time to look at
your changes in detail.



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