GitHub user fanxu123 opened a pull request:

    Fix a Octal bug.

    For escaped strings like "x\0365x", only "\036" is the octal number, but in 
the original codes, it consides "\0365" (5 added) as the octal number, and 
invoke a NumberFormatException at 
        out.write( Integer.parseInt(input.subSequence(start, end).toString(), 
8) );
    As we know, octal number is only 3 chars. So I add a if-section.

You can merge this pull request into a Git repository by running:

    $ git pull trunk

Alternatively you can review and apply these changes as the patch at:

commit e9b575898f638a2dc4778de6978c4b6e5936f9c1
Author: FX <>
Date:   2013-05-06T11:32:14Z

    Fix a Octal bug.
    For escaped strings like "x\0365x", only "\036" is the octal number, but in 
the original codes, it consides "\0365" (5 added) as the octal number, and 
invoke a NumberFormatException at 
    out.write( Integer.parseInt(input.subSequence(start, end).toString(), 8) );
    As we know, octal number is only 3 chars. So I add a if-section.


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