Worry not, I consider code duplication an affront to my extreme/agile
programmer creds as much as the next guy/gal.

This said, yes, I am proposing duplication.

Over the years, when I've mentioned one commons component depending on
another, tomatoes start flying.

There is a definitive camp that really wants standalone components. I
assume there are the folks that are RAM or disk challenged by their runtime

My current context is a big app server, we deliver ~100 third party
libraries, some we use directly, others are dragged in transitively. To
give you an idea, we embed Jetty and CXF, so that's a big pile just there.

For my sanity, the less code the better, the less jars the better,
thankfully, both Jetty and CXF deliver 'all-in-one' jars, but their
dependencies are all individual jars.

Ideally, I would but all 'commons commons' code in [lang] when that makes
sense, like with LetterCase, and have all the other components depend on



On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 4:37 PM, Emmanuel Bourg <ebo...@apache.org> wrote:

> Le 04/04/2013 22:12, sebb a écrit :
> > The enum is two-state only; the duplication is tiny.
> The duplication will create a confusion in projects using lang and codec
> (which is quite common). Typically the auto import popup in IntelliJ
> will suggest the two alternatives when trying to resolve the LetterCase
> enum, and the hesitation to select the good one is at least equivalent
> to the unintuitive boolean value for upper/lower cases.
> Emmanuel Bourg

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