
I am using the Apache Common XML file to format my code submissions in Eclipse. 
 Gilles says my last submission has some CheckStyle warnings, so I installed 
the CheckStyle plugin.  It gives tons of warnings, including some that go 
against the posted style guidelines, such as "All public methods must advertise 
all exceptions they generate...".  It also complains about lines being too 
wide, but the XML file configuration does not wrap certain types of lines.  
There are lots of others, including spaces following the asterisks in the 
javadocs, which surely the autoformatter could handle.

I admit that I am using CheckStyle for the first time, so maybe it is a simpler 
process to fix that it first appears.  But it seems like an annoying barrier to 
entry for contributors who submit working code to have to figure out which 
lines to reformat spaces, wrapping, exceptions etc.  Is there not an automatic 
way that the committers of the project can auto format the code without 
CheckStyle warnings?  If not, I wonder why formatting with the supplied XML 
file does not drastically reduce the number of CheckStyle warnings.


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