sebb wrote:

> On 18 March 2013 09:17, Jörg Schaible <> wrote:


>> Actually, for my own projects I always add
>>  @since upcoming
>> or
>>  @deprecated As of upcoming ...
>> When I prepare a release I use a the regular expression "s/(since|As of)
>> (\s+)upcoming/\1\2VERSION/" to set the proper VERSION.
> Like it, except I tend to use
> @deprecated since 1.2.3
> I chose TODO because I have that set up to create a task flag in
> Eclipse (and it is something to do).
> But the exact placeholder is not critical.

Fine with me. The reason for my "As of placeholder ..." pattern is a 
consequence of javadoc, since it prepends automatically "Deprecated. "[1] 
and uses the text of the tag as sentence[2]. Therefore I add in the real 
world a line like:

 @deprecated As of TODO use @{link } instead.

IMHO the text should give a direct hint to any developer who tries to 
"update" his code in a pro-active way to newer functionality. Looking 
currently at the deprecated stuff of lang[2] it fails such an explanation 
for some deprecated methods.

- Jörg


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