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The "GillesSadowski/ReleaseMiniHowto" page has been changed by GillesSadowski:

Replaced contents by link to document in SVN

  #format wiki
  #language en
+ == Release Mini Howto ==
+ This document is meant as a step-by-step recipe to achieve the release of the 
Commons Math component.
- == Release Mini Howto ==
+ The up-to-date version is at
- This document is meant as a step-by-step recipe to achieve the release of
- the Commons Math component.
- The files "settings-security.xml" and "settings.xml" are minimal examples
- of files used by maven to pick up authentication credentials needed to
- connect to remote servers and to cryptographically sign the artefacts.
- "settings-security.xml":
- ----------
- <settingsSecurity>
-   <master>
-     {YBj6__Your_encrypted_master_password__3iR4=}
-   </master>
- </settingsSecurity>
- ----------
- "settings.xml":
- ----------
- <settings>
-   <servers>
-     <!-- To publish a snapshot -->
-     <server>
-       <id>apache.snapshots.https</id>
-       <username>__Your_apache_login__</username>
-       <password>{0Lbb__Your_encrypted_password__O4sQ=}</password>
-     </server>
-     <!-- To publish a release -->
-     <server>
-       <id>apache.releases.https</id>
-       <username>__Your_apache_login__</username>
-       <password>{0Lbb__Your_encrypted_password__O4sQ=}</password>
-     </server>
-     <!-- To stage the web site -->
-     <server>
-       <id>stagingSite</id>
-       <username>__Your_apache_login__</username>
-       <!-- This will use the default ssh key pair, whose public part must be
-            copied to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the server. -->
-     </server>
-     <!-- To publish the web site -->
-     <server>
-       <id></id>
-       <username>__Your_apache_login__</username>
-       <!-- This will use the default ssh key pair, whose public part must be
-            copied to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the server. -->
-     </server>
-   </servers>
-   <profiles>
-     <profile>
-       <id>release</id>
-       <properties>
-         <gpg.keyname>__Your_key_identifier__</gpg.keyname>
-       </properties>
-     </profile>
-   </profiles>
- </settings>
- ----------
- (1)
- As a first optional step, you can test that everything works locally, i.e.
- that the build process can create all the necessary artefacts. The command
-   $ mvn clean deploy -Prelease -Ptest-deploy
- should create the artefacts in the "target/deploy".
- (2)
- At this point, you should commit everything that will be part of the release.
- From now on, be especially careful to the "svn commit" commands that will be
- indicated below: Only the selected file(s) should be committed but not the
- "pom.xml" that will be modified now.
- The "pom.xml" on the SVN server must always be in a state for creating 
- versions of the library, i.e. the tag "<version>" should end with the string
-     <version>3.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
- Assuming that the release version will be "3.0", modify the "<version>" tag to
- read:
-     <version>3.0</version>
- Modify the section of "<properties>" that also refers to version numbers.
- You should uncomment the "<commons.rc.version>" line and indicate the
- appropriate numbering of the release candidate: This refers to how many
- times you will need to repeat this whole release process until it is
- accepted (by a vote):
-   <properties>
-     <!-- ... -->
-     <commons.release.version>3.0</commons.release.version>
-     <commons.rc.version>RC1</commons.rc.version>
-     <!-- ... -->
-   </properties>
- [Note: From now on, the "pom.xml" file must not be committed anymore
- to the SVN repository. Once the release process is over, you can do a
- "revert" to cancel the local changes.]
- (3)
- The "download" page template is located at "src/site/xdoc/download_math.xml"
- Update it by running the command:
-   $ mvn commons:download-page
- (4)
- The "release notes" file will be created by gathering all the changes
- collected during develoment in the file "src/changes/changes.xml".
- Create it by running:
-   $ mvn changes:announcement-generate \
-      -Dchanges.template=release-notes.vm \
-      -Dchanges.templateDirectory=src/changes
- It will generate the release text in "target/announcement/release-notes.vm",
- which you must now copy to the appropriate location:
-   $ cp -i target/announcement/release-notes.vm RELEASE-NOTES.txt
- Alternately to the above two commands, you can rely on the "release-notes"
- profile defined in the "commons-parent" project (which is inherited by the
- "commons-math project) and run:
-   $ mvn -Prelease-notes changes:announcement-generate
- Commit the updated file to SVN:
-   $ svn commit RELEASE-NOTES.txt
- (5)
- Create the tag that will contain the whole source of this release candidate.
- For this command, you must change directory
- Assuming the first candidate, the suffix will be "RC1" (this should be the 
- same as in the "<properties>" in the "pom.xml"), and the command will be:
-   $ svn copy . \
-     -m"Creating Commons Math v3.0 RC1 tag." \
- The tag will then be accessible at
- (6)
- Check out the tagged code and change into the newly create directory:
-   $ svn co
-   $ cd MATH_3_0_RC1
- (7)
- If this is your first release, you might need to add your GPG encryption
- key to the KEYS file. [If you have already done so, skip this section.]
- Retrieve the files from the SVN repository:
-   $ svn co --depth=immediates \
- and follow the instructions at the top of the "KEYS" file.
- (8)
- Create and transfer the artefacts to the Nexus server (a.k.a. "deploy").
- Because the artefacts must be cryptographically signed, this step requires 
- a profile named "release" exists in the maven "settings.xml" configuration 
- which will contain the idientifier of your GPG key (cf. sample "settings.xml" 
- file).
- You can then run the commands
-   $ mvn clean
- and
-   $ mvn deploy -Prelease
- which will transfer the artefacts to the Nexus repository located at
- As a measure of sanity check, the "staging" (i.e. non official) repository 
- be manually "closed" before other people review the deliverables just created.
- [Note: Nexus automatically adds "md5" and "sha1" checksums files to the "asc"
- files (cryptographic signature). These "signatures on signatures" are spurious
- and have to be manually removed from Nexus staging area.]
- How to "close" the staging repository it is explained at this page:
- (9)
- Web site testing (a.k.a "staging") of the generated web site (containing the
- API documentation, etc.)
- This step requires a "<server>" with an identifier set to "stagingSite" and
- that the remote server is set up to accept no-password ssh authentification
- (cf. sample "settings.xml" file).
- Execute the commands (assuming the release candidate is "RC1"):
-   $ mvn site 
- and
-  $ mvn site:stage-deploy \
-      -DstagingDirectory=src/site \
- The web site will be available for review at:
- (10)
- Call to vote by sending a message to the "dev" ML with subject
- "[VOTE] Release Commons Math 3.0". You can use the following example as
- a starting point, replacing the URLs with the appropriate ones:
- ----------
- Tag:
- Site:
- Binaries:
- [ ] +1 Release it.
- [ ] +0 Go ahead; I don't care.
- [ ] -0 There are a few minor glitches: ...
- [ ] -1 No, do not release it because ...
- This vote will close in 72 hours.
- ----------
- (11)
- If some blocking problems have been found in the release deliverables, cancel
- the vote by sending a "[CANCEL][VOTE]" message to the "dev" ML.
- After correcting the problems, you'll likely have to start again from step 3,
- 4 or 5.
- (12)
- After at least 72 hours have elapsed, send a "[VOTE][RESULT]" mail to
- summarize the outcome of the vote. This should tally the votes cast,
- and state which are binding (PMC members).
- (13)
- The artefacts must be copied to the distribution area on the ASF web server.
- The following actions must be performed when after login into your 
- "" account.
-  (a) Create a new directory (e.g. "cm-3.0") and "cd" into it.
-  (b) Retrieve the files from the Nexus server:
-       $ wget -r -l 1 -np -nH -nd -nv \
-           -e robots=off --wait 10 --no-check-certificate \
-  (c) Verify the checksum of each of the retrieved files. A possibility is to
-      check out the tools from
-      and use the "" found in there.
-  (d) Change the "group owner" to "commons":
-       $ chgrp commons commons-math3-*
-  (e) Change to the directory of the component and move the files to their 
-       $ cd /www/
-      Source files go to the "source" subdirectory:
-       $ mv -i ~/cm-3.0/commons-math3-3.0-src* source
-      Binary files go to the "binaries" subdirectory:
-       $ mv -i ~/cm-3.0/commons-math3-3.0-bin* binaries
-   (f) Check that the files permissions are all set to "-rw-rw-r--" and that
-       the group owner is "commons".
-   (g) Update the "README.html" file to reflect the new release and copy it
-       to both "source" and "binaries" subdirectories.
-   (h) Replace the "RELEASE-NOTES.txt" with the new one, e.g. using:
-         $ wget --no-check-certificate
-         $ mv -i RELEASE-NOTES.txt.1 RELEASE-NOTES.txt
-   (i) XXX There are no "current" symlinks in the "commmons/math" subdir
-           Maybe that this is not mandatory (?)
-       If this is your first release, you'll probably have to check out the
-       release scripts. In your home directory, run the command:
-       $ svn co
- (13)
- Release (a.k.a. "promote") the artefacts on the Nexus server, as shown here:
- (14)
- Publish the web site. From your local working copy of the tag, run the 
-   $ mvn site site:deploy
- (15)
- Send (from your apache account) the release announcement to the following ML:

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