
we had a little discussion in BeanUtils2, regarding static imports (see
below). To increase visibility and get some more feedback, I'm forwarding
this to [ALL]

We haven't decided yet how to handle static imports. To form some rules,
we'd like to hear what others think about static imports and what rules of
thumb you use in your projects.

I'm exited to hear your opinions :)

2013/2/4 Jörg Schaible <joerg.schai...@scalaris.com>

> Hi,
> Benedikt Ritter wrote:
> > Hi Simo,
> >
> > thanks for sharing your thoughts! I personally try to avoid static
> > imports. Especially when you come to a legacy code base IMHO it makes the
> > code harder to understand. You always have to look, where a method comes
> > from.
> Actually I avoid static imports for the same reason.
> > Also you may have the problem, that you accidentally override
> > imported static methods, when defining a new static method with the same
> > name. BU2 is a very small code base, so it would be okay for me to revert
> > the change.
> >
> > Nevertheless I'd be interested to hear what others thing about this
> topic.
> my 2¢
> - Jörg
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