Here are my 2 cents:

The rationale for redesign of the RealMatrix hierarchy is because a large 
amount of numerical packages depend (or should depend) on a linear algebra 
package for efficient implementation. However, as it currently stands, it is 
not possible (or unnecessarily burdensome) to create a user defined class that 
would have only the necessary and sufficient properties to perform such a task.

In my view immutability cannot be a property of the base matrix class, for the 
same reason as Collection classes cannot be immutable. Since a large amount of 
matrix algorithms are iterative in nature, this would make vast majority of 
algorithms intractable computationally. Just look at basic Gaussian 
elimination. Assuming you provide a vector operation for the inner-most loop in 
the API, you will still force a copy during each iteration of the two outermost 
loops. In total, this would force O(N^4) copies, while the actual algorithm is 
O(N^3). You can add Gaussian elimination, which is a bad idea, because you will 
never be able to implement ever algorithm in existence. In addition you have no 
forced your Gaussian elimination class to assume the most general case, and 
hence you force an O(N^4) implementation of the algorithm, since you cannot 
assume that the input matrix class has in place operations.

Immutability is a very nice property, but only works if your class is described 
by a small number of member classes. This is not the case here.
If immutability is desired for some applications, a defensive copy can be made. 
I completely disagree with your statement about how multi-threaded code. Please 
provide an example. As a note, the Java Collections package is a good example  
of a similar problem.

I see issue MATH-765, however I don't think it's possible to do anything until 
there is a specific proposal for an interface, where we can add comments.

P.S. I would also be interested if people think Vector should be made into a 
special case of a Matrix. Also I think the RealMatrix interface should not be 
the starting` interface, but rather a midpoint in the hierarchy. A merging 
point, where all the interfaces needed for the optimization package, and other 
packages, come together to form something more general. While a lot of 
functionality in the matrix class, like visitors etc, are needed for 
implementing norms and other things, they are not needed by the iterative 

On Dec 31, 2012, at 8:07 PM, Gilles Sadowski <> 

> Hi.
>>> If we stick to
>>> 0) algebraic objects are immutable
>>> 1) algorithms defined using algebraic concepts should be implemented
>>> using algebraic objects
>>> ...
>>> 0)  Start, with Konstantin's help, by fleshing out the InPlace
>>> matrix / vector interface
>>> 1)  Integrate Mahout code as part of a wholesale refactoring of the
>>> linear package
> What do you mean by this?
> Copy/paste or create a dependency? Something else?
>>> 2)  Extend use of the visitor pattern to perform mutations
>>> "in-place" (similar to 0) in effect)
> As suggested in a previous post:
> 3) a) Define a new "minimal matrix" interface, and create immutable
>      implementations.
>   b) Benchmark critical methods (entry access, iteration, add, multiply,
>      etc.)
>   c) Quantify the efficiency gain of in-place operations and only when this
>      information is available decide whether the gain is worth the price.
>      [Even if in-place operations are faster in a single thread context, it
>      is not sure that immutability would not change that in a multi-thread
>      implementation. Trying to outperform multi-threaded code with in-place
>      operations is a dead end.]
> Before embarking on any of this, please identify the rationale: Is there
> _one_ identified problem that would require urgent action? This discussion
> about clean-up/improvement/simplification of the CM matrix implementations
> has been going on for months, and we should not start a "new" discussion
> without referring to what has been recorded by Sébastien on JIRA.
> Regards,
> Gilles
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