On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 07:58:52PM +0200, Oliver Heger wrote:
> Am 20.08.2012 16:08, schrieb Gilles Sadowski:
> >On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 02:32:25PM +0200, Oliver Heger wrote:
> >>Just a question about our current documentation about cutting releases:
> >>
> >>[1] mentions that symbolic links should be created for the
> >>distributions. I think this is outdated. Can anybody confirm this? I
> >>will then update the instructions accordingly.
> >
> >I don't know, but there were several wrong or incomplete statements in that
> >document when, as a "newbie release manager" for Commons Math 3.0, I tried
> >to follow it step by step.
> >I collected the steps of a working procedure here:
> >   http://wiki.apache.org/commons/GillesSadowski/ReleaseMiniHowto
> >
> Thanks for the link.
> Publishing releases is already a surprisingly complex task. Having
> multiple, partly outdated instructions makes it even harder :-(

If "UsingNexus" works for you, it is probably because you have additional
configuration set up which is not talked about in that document, randering
it useless for a newbie. People who know what to do don't need that document
and it is thus kept in an unusable state...

> We should try to come up with one standard document.

That's why I wrote the above, which is supposed to contain everything to
perform a release, with links to information not detailed there but likely
missing fomr a newbie's config (e.g. GPG key).

> So far, for the
> release preparations the UsingNexus document worked well for me. I
> am going to update it when I encounter problems.

I've encountered many problems, for some I got a solution from this list,
for others I figured a solution by trial and error.
Finally, I came up with a working recipe (the above document, which I asked
here for review). If you want to go down the same path again...


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