Oops I meant Ralph not Sebb!


On Aug 20, 2012, at 7:38, Oliver Heger <oliver.he...@oliver-heger.de> wrote:

> Am 19.08.2012 20:00, schrieb Ralph Goers:
>> I don't think that is serious enough to warrant another candidate. I plan to 
>> review RC1 later today.
>> Ralph
>> On Aug 19, 2012, at 6:38 AM, Gary Gregory wrote:
>>> If you change the POM and you want that to be part of the release then
>>> you need another RC. In this case, you want a cleaner Clirr report for
>>> that release which means that report must be able to be generated from
>>> the release tag and sources. At least that's how it seems to me.
>>> Gary
> A configuration of the clirr plug-in was added to the pom which excludes 
> parser classes generated by JavaCC from the clirr report, so the report is 
> now clear.
> After the release the site for the new snapshot will be deployed, so there 
> won't be any clirr warnings.
> BTW, 72 hours are passed now, and there are only 2 +1 votes. It would be nice 
> if somebody did another review!
> Oliver
>>> On Aug 18, 2012, at 11:13, Oliver Heger <oliver.he...@oliver-heger.de> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Am 17.08.2012 23:58, schrieb sebb:
>>>>> On 17 August 2012 21:02, Oliver Heger <oliver.he...@oliver-heger.de> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Gary,
>>>>>> Am 17.08.2012 21:19, schrieb Gary Gregory:
>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>> Are the Clirr warning about constant value changes from 1.8 be an issue
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> existing clients?
>>>>>>> Or, are the values only used by [configuration] itself?
>>>>>> the constants are only used internally. They belong to the parser for 
>>>>>> plist
>>>>>> configuration files (which is generated by JavaCC) and define its state
>>>>>> transition graph. They have changed because the parser now supports 
>>>>>> comments
>>>>>> in configuration files.
>>>>> If there is a need to add new constants in the future, can JavaCC be
>>>>> persuaded to add them at the end?
>>>>> This would avoid needless warnings in the Clirr report.
>>>>> Also, it would help if the release notes explained why the Clirr
>>>>> warnings are harmless to forestall any questions by users.
>>>> The affected class is not even part of the code base, it is generated 
>>>> during the build process. If you have a look at the source code [1], you 
>>>> will probably agree that it is hardly of any use for client applications. 
>>>> Therefore, I think writing a warning in the release notes will add more 
>>>> confusion than it helps.
>>>> Wouldn't it be better then to exclude the class from the Clirr report? 
>>>> Will have to check whether this is possible. This could be done before 
>>>> publishing the site for the next SNAPSHOT version and would not require a 
>>>> new RC, right?
>>>> Oliver
>>>> [1] 
>>>> http://people.apache.org/~oheger/configuration-1.9rc1/xref/org/apache/commons/configuration/plist/PropertyListParserConstants.html
>>>>>> Thanks for the review.
>>>>>> Oliver
>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>> Gary
>>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 4:09 PM, Oliver Heger
>>>>>>> <oliver.he...@oliver-heger.de>wrote:
>>>>>>>> This is a vote to release Apache Commons Configuration 1.9 based on the
>>>>>>>> first release candidate.
>>>>>>>> Tag:
>>>>>>>> http://svn.apache.org/repos/**asf/commons/proper/**configuration/tags/**
>>>>>>>> CONFIGURATION_1_9RC1/<http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/proper/configuration/tags/CONFIGURATION_1_9RC1/>
>>>>>>>> Site:
>>>>>>>> http://people.apache.org/~**oheger/configuration-1.9rc1/<http://people.apache.org/%7Eoheger/configuration-1.9rc1/>
>>>>>>>> Binaries:
>>>>>>>> https://repository.apache.org/**content/repositories/**
>>>>>>>> orgapachecommons-016/<https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachecommons-016/>
>>>>>>>> [ ] +1 release it
>>>>>>>> [ ] +0 go ahead I don't care
>>>>>>>> [ ] -1 no, do not release it because
>>>>>>>> Vote will remain open for at least 72 hours.
>>>>>>>> Oliver
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