Thanks for the pointer to JAS, however its API is scary for someone who just want to get the factors of a "small" integer... If the factorization of integers is not in scope of commons math, what about removing it from "MathWishList" then ?
Best regards, Sebastien Original Message: ----------------- From: J.Pietschmann Date: Sun, 05 Aug 2012 23:26:37 +0200 To: Subject: Re: [math] integer factorization Am 04.08.2012 14:22, schrieb > Thanks for your feedback and the pointer to PARI/GP. About existing stuff, > it seems there is none written in Java: I asked the question on > stackoverflow a while ago, nobody knows any library for the JVM. Hehe, even StackOverflow fails occasionally. Try for a start. Search for "java quadratic sieve" for some more code, although most of the results seems to be more sample code rather than production quality. I vaguely remember there should be up to 12 Java based projects including more or less sophisticated integer factorization stuff, although I'm not current there and most of them could be dead. > About the applications, well, I agree it is not the #1 required > functionality in most applications. Still applications beyond pure maths do > exist: hash tables, pseudo random numbers, cryptography, electronics... Yes, developing and testing hash algorithms, pseudo random number generators, crypto stuff etc. uses factorization, but everyday use generally doesn't. Apparently you are into serious hard core stuff. As fascinating as these problems most likely are, they are not the primary target for commons math, at least until now. J.Pietschmann --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: -------------------------------------------------------------------- - Premium Microsoft® Windows® and Linux web and application hosting - --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: