Infra has mandated that all projects move to the Apache CMS (or svnpubsub) by the end of the year. We also must change from distributing releases from to Changing the second item is fairly trivial but migrating the web site is a pretty large effort.
The Logging project is also an umbrella project, albeit much smaller, and recently made the migration. I recommend that commons use the same (or similar) mechanism that Logging is using - the main site uses the CMS directly and sub projects can either use the CMS or be manually committed. See ( To summarize, 1. The main Commons site would be managed at 2. Each subproject would reside at 3. If the subproject does not use the CMS it would be specified in extpaths.txt and would follow guidelines similar to the wiki link above. 4. If the project uses the CMS it would not be specified in extpaths.txt and would commit its files into the svn area in item 1. FWIW, I've also built the Flume website using this model. They use maven to build the main site (the CMS will run "mvn site" when any content is changed). Logging is using a tool called Twig. I'm not necessarily volunteering to build the site as I don't have a lot of time at the moment, but I am willing to help since I've done it for two projects now. Comments? Ralph