Hello Thomas.

> > More than 60 issues have been resolved since the release of Commons Math
> > 3.0.
> The number of resolved issues in JIRA is misleading as it includes also
> issues resolved as Won't Fix or Duplicate. Also not all issues have been
> closed after the release of 3.0, some have been kept in status resolved
> intentionally as they were marked as "Later" or "Incomplete".

Well, all of these issues resulted in some work being done, even if to reach
a "Won't fix" conclusion.
My opinion is that releases must reflect that fact. Or, conversely, only
"nothing new happened" is a reason for not providing a new release.

Of course, there should be a balance between the work imposed by preparing a
release, and the updated contents to be released. I think that the trade-off
is already largely positive.

> > I think that it is time to lay out a road map for the next release (3.1),
> > with a target date of early September (at which point, 3.0 will be 6 months
> > old).
> +1
> > The following are the more serious issues:
> >   MATH-836 Fraction(double, int) constructor strange behaviour:
>      should be solved
> >   MATH-828 Unbounded solutions in Simplex Solver:
>      should be solved, will create another issue as follow up
> >   MATH-819 Infeasible solution in Simplex Solver:
>      either won't fix or not a problem, user was providing very large
>      (unnecessary) bounds in the problem which lead to obvious
>      numerical problems.
> >   MATH-789 Correlated random vector generator fails:
>      I did initial analysis, but need more information about the
>      implemented algorithm to fix it
>  * MATH-777 More CrossoverPolicy's are needed: partly done, need to add
>      two more policies from the patch


> > "Wish" or "improvement" issues that miss a patch should not be blocking the
> > 3.1 release.
> > Some of them are still marked with 3.1 as the target version. Please give
> > your opinion about whether they could be easily implemented in the next few
> > weeks, or should be postponed to release 3.2 or 4.0.
> MATH-748 Clustering algos
> MATH-749 Complex Hull
> MATH-750 Voronoi
> MATH-751 Computational geometry algos (wrapper issue for the 3 others)
> MATH-752 Triangulation
> I put them with target release 3.1, but they are obviously not blocking,
> but I am willing to do work on them in the coming weeks.

As these are totally new features which were not yet discussed in-depth (API
etc.), I'd be tempted to think that they should be formally postponed to
3.2.  In case we reach an agreement on the implementation of any of them
before 3.1 is released, the "fix release" can always be modified

I'd like that this thread leads to agreed date for a feature-freeze.

Of course, I'd be all for setting a date for release 3.2 too! [That would be
good if you are wanting these features to appear as soon as possible in an
official release.]

> [...]


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