On 7/20/12 1:47 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 16/07/2012 20:55, Phil Steitz wrote:
>> On 7/15/12 10:46 AM, Phil Steitz wrote:
>>> On 7/15/12 1:12 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>>>> On 15/07/2012 01:38, Phil Steitz wrote:
>>>>> Sorry if this has been discussed already and I can't find the
>>>>> thread; but we should do this now if we want to do it - i.e., move
>>>>> DBCP's AbandonedObjectPool into [pool].
>>>> This is certainly something that - on the face of it - makes sense.
>>>> However, when I looked at it a little while back it did not appear to be
>>>> trivial to unpick the AbandonedObjectPool code from DBCP.
>>>> I didn't spend enough time on it to come to a final conclusion.
>>>> I can look at this in the next week or so. It would be helpful if other
>>>> folks looked as well.
>>> I just dug into this a little and it looks like just moving the
>>> classes and adjusting imports will work.  I had to increase
>>> visibility of addTrace, removeTrace, get/setLastUsed in
>>> AbandonedTrace; but other than that I did not have to make any
>>> changes.  If others are OK with this, I will open a JIRA for this
>>> (maybe one for each of DBCP, POOL?), continue testing, cleanup the
>>> docs and get the changes committed assuming I don't run into any
>>> problems.  Fortunately, the original design looks like it intended /
>>> anticipated this move.
>> OK, I have pretty much verified that this can work, but I am now
>> asking myself if with the new GOP that holds references to checked
>> out objects, do we need such a heavyweight approach?  If we just
>> extend PoolableObject to something like TrackablePoolableObject
>> adding set/getLastUsed, the new GOP (extended) could do this
>> directly (without adding the trace list).   The only loss would be
>> stack trace generation, which we could continue to provide in an
>> abstract class implementing the new interface.  The AbandonedTrace
>> machinery in DBCP conflates trackability with maintaining
>> parent/child relationships, which it could continue to do - i.e.,
>> leave AbandonedTrace in DBCP, implementing TrackablePoolableObject
>> and perhaps inheriting from the abstract parent that supports stack
>> trace generation.
> Sounds good. I was thinking that recording the stack trace could be an
> option of GOP/GKOP. i.e. add [g|s]etLastUsed to PooledObject and add an
> option to BaseObjectPoolConfig to record stack trace on borrow.
That will work for stack trace tracking.  For lastUsed, the problem
is that setLastUsed has to be available to the pool client (who
needs to be able to call it while an instance is checked out).  This
is why AbandonedTrace exists (well, half of the reason).  What I
said above is a little garbled.  I was thinking about
PoolableConnections, but referring to "PoolableObjects" which don't
actually exist in [pool].   So it seems we have two choices here
(there may well be others, but two jump out at me):

0) Depart from the no-need-to-unwrap tradition in [pool] and hand
out PooledObject<T> instead of <T> for abandoned object pools
1) Require that object factories used when abandoned object tracking
is enabled produce objects implementing an interface including
setLastUsed (or inherit from an abstract parent like AbandonedTrace)

I don't like 0) for several reasons and 1) does not look that bad to
me.  Any better ideas?

>  What I
> hadn't checked was what changes DBCP might require to maintain the
> parent-child relationship.

> Mark
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