On 4 June 2012 10:53, Damjan Jovanovic <dam...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 7:07 PM, Oliver Heger
> <oliver.he...@oliver-heger.de> wrote:
>> Am 03.06.2012 15:56, schrieb Gary Gregory:
>>> I use http://wiki.apache.org/commons/UsingNexus
>>> Gary
>>> On Jun 3, 2012, at 4:25, Damjan Jovanovic<dam...@apache.org>  wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> I am trying to make an RC release of Commons Imaging, and according to
>>>> http://commons.apache.org/releases/prepare.html the command which is
>>>> meant to generate the release artifacts is:
>>>> mvn -Prc -DcreateChecksum=true install
>>>> However this only generates .jar/javadoc.jar/sources.jar files, not
>>>> the bin/src .zip, .tar.gz or .tar.bz2.
>>>> I've tried it on several other Commons projects:
>>>> csv - command fails because assembly descriptors are missing
>>>> configuration - also only generates .jar files
>>>> net - also only generates .jar files
>>>> Is that web page wrong? Is there some other command that is meant to
>>>> be used? Or is there some kind of problem in all these projects?
>> For [configuration] I used to follow the instructions on this page. The full
>> distribution is created by the shell script in the section "Create the
>> Release Candidate Website". This worked for me.
>> Oliver
> The command "mvn -Prc -DcreateChecksum=true install" is taken verbatim

AFAIK, the "rc" profile was intended for creating release candidates
*before* Nexus was introduced.

Now that all Commons components (probably all ASF projects) use Nexus,
I suspect the "rc" profile is redundant.

Instead, try using the "release" profile.

mvn package deploy -Prelease

This publishes the jars to the Maven repo via the Nexus staging repo.

Sorry, cannot try this myself at present, but I can try this Tue or Wed.

> from that very "Create the Release Candidate Website" page, and
> neither it, nor that entire script, are working, for either Imaging or
> Configuration from the latest SVN trunk.
> According to http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@commons.apache.org/msg23476.html
> this is a known regression in the maven-assembly-plugin.
> A bit of searching finds http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MASSEMBLY-553
> which appears to be the problem.
> Workaround (taken from
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/commons/proper/pool/trunk/pom.xml?revision=1169875&view=markup):
> <build>
>    <pluginManagement>
>      <plugins>
>        <plugin>
>          <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
>          <version>2.2-beta-5</version>
>        </plugin>
>      </plugins>
>    </pluginManagement>
> </build>

[We should probably use a property in CP to make the version easier to override]

> Please add that to the website (or how can I add it?). Also if Plexus
> is the current official way of releasing Commons components, why isn't
> that documented?
> This is now the 3rd build-breaking bug in Maven plugins I've found in
> my casual usage...
> Thank you
> Damjan
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