On 25 May 2012 03:40, Sébastien Brisard <sebastien.bris...@m4x.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for your answer!
>> You can deprecate a field.
> Good to know, I wasn't too sure it makes sense.
>> However, if a public field is not part of the user API - e.g. it's
>> only public to allow access within CM code - then breaking compat is
>> not a problem, because users should never reference the field.
> It seems to me that we are exactly in this situation. So if noone
> objects I'd like to do that. However, Clirr will complain... How can I
> avoid this?

You cannot prevent Clirr complaining.

The release notes can explain why these particular Clirr errors can be ignored.

> Best regards,
> Sébastien
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