sebb <> wrote:

>On 12 April 2012 20:46, Mark Thomas <> wrote:
>> 1. Fix all the open bugs. DONE - until someone opens another Jira ;)
>> 2. Clean up the docs. TODO
>> 3. Release 2.0.0.M1
>> 4. Work on DBCP2, updating POOL2 as required (e.g. moving the
>> object code to POOL2)
>> 5. React to feedback on 2.0.0.M1
>> 6. Release 2.0.0.Mn as required
>> 7. Release 2.0.0
>> Thoughts? Comments? Feedback?
>Not sure we should release 2.0.0; I would expect the first release to
>be 2.0.

To my mind all versions should use three digits for consistency but that is 
just me.

>If there needs to be minor update, then the next release would be
>I'm more used to -alphaN and betaN suffixes.
>Not sure what milestones mean in terms of code quality and API

Alpha/beta is fine by me.

>> The one issue I have is that I have no clue how the release process
>> POOL works. I see the scripts Phil wrote but do not immediately see
>> they'd work with the plan above (also note I know nothing about
>> Help appreciated.
>I think the scripts are a bit outdated.
>Now we use Nexus, "mvn deploy <options>" is usually all that is needed.

Ah. Maven magic I don't understand.


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