On 1 April 2012 06:23, Stefan Bodewig <bode...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 2012-04-01, Ralph Goers wrote:
>> From the vfs2 log it looks like it is running into a binary
>> incompatibility with SLF4J. vfs2 is specifying SLF4J 1.5.5 but mvn
>> dependency:tree is showing me that Jackrabbit is referencing
>> jcl-over-slf4j and is using 1.5.3.  I've added that to the vfs2 pom in
>> hopes that Gump will honor it.
> It won't.  Gump puts a proxy between mvn and the repo and always serves
> the latest version by artifactId/groupId coordinates.  If a project
> breaks backwards compatibility without changing either of them Gump
> doesn't provide any proper way to deal with it.

Nor should it - AFAICT that is a fundamental error by the project; it
should change Maven coords and package name when breaking compat.

>> If it is trying to use the latest SLF4J then this can't be fixed as
>> 1.6.0 introduced a breakage with LocationAwareLogger (at my request by
>> the way). vfs2 doesn't actually use SLF4J - Jackrabbit does.
> Given VFS is not the only project suffering from this and the slf4j
> project never asked for being included in Gump it might be the best idea
> to stop building slf4j in Gump and give the remaining projects the
> version they ask for.
> Stefan
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