On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 4:17 PM, Gilles Sadowski < gil...@harfang.homelinux.org> wrote:
> Hello. > > Please disable the default running of cobertura in "mvn site". It is > unbearably slow: e.g. on my machine, "FastMathTest" takes 1,544 seconds > (that's a comma there; i.e. ~25 minutes!). > > If on-demand disable/enable switches are not (yet) available from maven's > command-line options, could we have a new target that would run those very > time-consuming reports (something like "mvn full-site")? > Alternatively, "mvn site" could produce the full thing, but we would have a > new "mvn quick-site" for generating report like "CheckStyle" and > "FindBugs". > Did not test it (can not use mvn here :-( ), but this should help mvn site -Dcobertura.runtests=false Thomas