> But I would like to discuss the visitor behavior in general, as I was
> working on a SCC algorithm (Kosaraju), and found it quite difficult to
> implement the recursive traversal using the visitor.

yep, yesterday night I was trying to implementing Kosaraju algo and I found the 
same difficulties.

IMHO the problem is that the DFS is a recursive algo, in our implementation we 
are trying to implement it in a iterative way. 
The result of course is the same but the internal steps are different and this 
for Kosaraju algo can be a problem.

Some days ago I opened in Jira the issue SANDBOX-353 I think that we can put 
there our doubts on the implementation.

hav a nice day 

Marco Speranza <marco.speranz...@gmail.com>

Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/marcosperanza79/
Google Code: http://code.google.com/u/marco.speranza79/

Il giorno 01/mar/2012, alle ore 08:59, Thomas Neidhart ha scritto:

> On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 8:34 AM, Marco Speranza 
> <marcospera...@apache.org>wrote:
>>> In the old BFS implementation, the discoverEdge method in the visitor
>>> was even called for nodes that have been already visited, which is not
>>> the case anymore. From my understanding the new behavior is correct, or
>>> am I missing something?
>> I don't think so. in the old algo there was a check to avoid to call
>> already visited nodes.
> ah you are right.
> There is a bug in the new BFS, in that a vertex is marked visited although
> it has not been discovered yet. This should be changed.
> But I would like to discuss the visitor behavior in general, as I was
> working on a SCC algorithm (Kosaraju), and found it quite difficult to
> implement the recursive traversal using the visitor.
> Thomas

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