On 29 February 2012 16:11, Benedikt Ritter <b...@systemoutprintln.de> wrote:
> Am 29.02.2012 15:28, schrieb Gary Gregory:
>> Can someone please fix:
>> C:\svn\org\apache\commons\trunks-proper\lang\src\main\java\org\apache\commons\lang3\time\DateParser.java:75:
>> warning - Tag @link: can't find getTimeZo
>> neOverridesCalendar() in org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DateParser
> The problem is, that there is no method with name
> "getTimeZoneOverridesCalendar()" in DateParser, so that link can't be
> resolved (I think you already knew that :).
> I suppose the comment is meant to refer to getTimeZone() in
> java.util.Calendar.

I don't think that's correct.

The Javadoc originally said:

     * <p>This zone is always used for <code>Date</code> formatting.
     * If a <code>Calendar</code> is passed in to be formatted, the
     * time zone on that may be used depending on
     * {@link #getTimeZoneOverridesCalendar()}.</p>

To me, this implies that there was/is a method called something like


which was/is used to determine whether or not to use the timezone from
the provided calendar.

Date.getTimeZone() just happens to be a similar method name; I don't
see how it's relevant here.

The way to find out is to check what the code actually does (did).

> If so, you can fix that by changing the link to: {@link
> java.util.Calendar#getTimeZone()}
> Regards,
> Benedikt
>> It's not obvious to me what the right fix is.
>> Thank you,
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