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The "UsingNexus" page has been changed by sebbapache: Comment: Don't create sigs for snapshot tests To create the snapshot, make sure that the current pom.xml is for a SNAPSHOT version. Perform the following command: + {{{mvn deploy [-DskipTests]}}} + + This will create the binary jar(s) and hashes and upload them. + + If you want to check that the source and javadoc jars are correct, perform the following: + - {{{mvn deploy -Prelease [-Dgpg.skip] [-DskipTests]}}} + {{{mvn deploy -Prelease -Dgpg.skip [-DskipTests]}}} This will create the binary, source and javadoc jars and hashes and upload them. - The {{{-Prelease}}} flag is necessary to ensure that the source and javadoc jars are created. The {{{-Dgpg.skip}}} flag skips the signing phase. + The {{{-Prelease}}} flag ensures that the source and javadoc jars are created. + The {{{-Dgpg.skip}}} flag skips the signing phase; do not omit this as it might mislead users if a signed jar was deployed as a snapshot The resulting snapshot will appear in the Nexus repository under: --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: