On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 1:37 PM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 27 February 2012 23:08, Christian Grobmeier <grobme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 11:53 PM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 27 February 2012 21:16, Gary Gregory <ggreg...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> Hello All:
>>>> This VOTE is to update the platform requirement for Commons Lang trunk to
>>>> Java 6 from Java 5.
>>>> The reasons are:
>>>> - Stop wasting time back porting code contributions from Java 6 to Java 5.
>>>> - Stop fixing erroneous commits that happened to use Java 6 methods.
>>>> - Stop using a dead version of Java for current development
>>> Is it dead for Android?
>> http://developer.android.com/sdk/requirements.html
>> you need JDK 1.6 to develop android apps (I actually do this)
> The document actually says:
> JDK 5 or JDK 6 (JRE alone is not sufficient)
> It's not required to have JDK 6.
> But this is not really relevant, because the compiler used has no
> direct relation to the API supported by the Dalvik libraries.

Sorry, I misspelled. I wanted to include jdk 5,restructured my
message, then it went lost.
Of course you are not forced to use jdk6, but you can. That being
said, Android is not a blocker.

While we are at it, it seems JDK 1.6 is even possible on the AS/400:

As you have expressed concerns the last time, i think many people
would like to see you voting.

>> Btw I expect Dart apps to become the main app language in middle term.
>>  And hey, lang 3.1 will still be there.
>> Cheers
>> Christian
>>>> - Use a current version of Java for current development in trunk
>>>> - Attract more developers and interest.
>>>> The current version of Lang is 3.1 and requires Java 5. If more Java 5-only
>>>> patches are needed, they will be performed on a branch.
>>>> This VOTE is open for at least 72 hours (March 1, 2012 at 16:20PM EST)
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Gary
>>>> --
>>>> E-Mail: garydgreg...@gmail.com | ggreg...@apache.org
>>>> JUnit in Action, 2nd Ed: http://bit.ly/ECvg0
>>>> Spring Batch in Action: http://bit.ly/bqpbCK
>>>> Blog: http://garygregory.wordpress.com
>>>> Home: http://garygregory.com/
>>>> Tweet! http://twitter.com/GaryGregory <http://twitter.com/GaryGregory>
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>> --
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