
> >>>>>> MATH-698
> >>>>>>  IIUC, "CMAESOptimizer" deals only with either no bounds or finite 
> >>>>>> bounds.
> >>>>>>  (e.g. look at method "encode", lines 904-914).
> >>>>>>  I don't have the knowledge about the algorithm in order to know how to
> >>>>>>  modify that code so that it will behave correctly when only one of the
> >>>>>>  bounds is infinite (a valid case allowed by the base class for 
> >>>>>> optimizers
> >>>>>>  with simple bounds: "BaseAbstractMultivariateSimpleBoundsOptimizer").
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>  I would not want to release an API where simple bounds are dealt 
> >>>>>> differently
> >>>>>>  in "CMAESOptimizer" than in the supposedly common interface.
> >>>>>>
> >>>
> >>> What do you think about this point?
> >>
> >> You ae right, consistency is important. Users should be able to switch
> >> from one algorithm to another one for such common behaviour.
> > 
> > This issue MATH-698 is still pending.

Anyone is welcome to have a look at that one...

> > 
> > Others that were not postponed to after 3.0 are:
> >  MATH-712 (trivial)
> >  MATH-707 (done or almost done, depending on the comments)
> I would consider it is done.


> >  MATH-444 (trivial)
> Yes, and it is probably time to do it now.


> > 
> > Unscheduled but probably to be fixed before 3.0:
> >  MATH-744
> Agreed.
> I'll resolve MATH-650 soon, making an arbitrary choice by myself (so you
> will know who is to blame).

I forgot that one ;-)
And also


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