
> > 
> > The failure is unrelated to the commit, but has to do with this issue:
> >   https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MATH-588
> > 
> > I don't know whether the test tolerance is too stringent or there really is
> > a bug. Could someone have a look?
> Hi,
> I have looked into this issue, and imo the test tolerance is too stringent:
> >> MeanTest
> >>     testWeightedConsistency :
> >>   java.lang.AssertionError
> >>   java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<-5.261475053036868E-4> but 
> >> was:<-5.26147505303894E-4>
> The tests compares the two computed means with a relative error of
> 10-14, which can lead to an quite small absolute error in case the
> randomized test values are distributed in an unfortunate way.
> In the failing example, the mean is calculated to be -5.261e-4 which
> leads to an absolute error of 10-18 while the two means are equal up to
> 10-15.
> The bug report is very similar:
> the expected mean is ~2.2e-3 and the values are equal up to 10-15.

Thanks for looking into it.
So, if nobody objects, can you please make the necessary changes and resolve
the issue?

Best regards,

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