Il giorno 30/gen/2012, alle ore 15:33, Claudio Squarcella ha scritto:

> On 30/01/2012 09:51, Marco Speranza wrote:
>> Claudio Squarcella<squarcel<at>>  writes:
>>> On 27/01/2012 12:47, Claudio Squarcella wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> On 27/01/2012 12:35, Marco Speranza wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I'm trying to implement the Boruvka's algorithm and I need to know is a
>>>>> grah is connected or not.
>>>>> So I'd like to propose a simple algorithm to do that.
>>>>> A simple way to implement that is run a depth-first or breadth-first
>>>>> search
>>>>> starting from an arbitrary vertex. If the number of the vertices touched
>>>>> are the same of the origina graph, the graph is connected.
>>>> cool, go for it
>>>>> Moreover the algorithm could count the number of che "connected
>>>>> componet" (
>>>> well you get that number if you actually map each vertex to a
>>>> connected component, which means you could need to run the search
>>>> algorithm more than once.
>>>> As a unified solution maybe we could go for an algorithm that returns
>>>> the connected components as a collection of graphs, and then in your
>>>> case you just check that there is only one connected component.
>>> ...and of course also the simplified version "give me the connected
>>> component containing the input vertex", which suits your case better and
>>> does not waste resources.
>>> Claudio
>>>> Ciao
>>>> Claudio
>>>>> what do you think about that?
>>>>> Ciao
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Marco Speranza<marco.speranza79<at>>
>>>>> Flick photostream:
>>>>> Google Code:
>> hi Claudio,
>> thanks for your tips. This week I implemented a simple algo that uses the 
>> Depth
>> First Search to find the connected component.
>> The algo finds the connected components for all vertices or only for an 
>> provided
>> set of vertices (in order to find only the connected components that contain
>> these vertices).
>> I created the patch, if you agree I can attach that into the issue 
>> SANDBOX-348
> cool, go ahead :)
> Throwing ideas:
> As a zero-cost improvement you could add one more "shortcut" allowing for a 
> single Vertex to be specified as input, since that sounds like a reasonable 
> use case. Also, the same code could be used to provide another utility method 
> that checks whether there is at least a path between two input vertices.
> Ciao and thanks,
> Claudio
>> Ciao
>> Marco
> -- 
> Claudio Squarcella
> PhD student at Roma Tre University
> E-mail address:
> Phone: +39-06-57333215
> Fax: +39-06-57333612
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Ciao Claudio,

I attached a patch into jira (SANDBOX-348) with my work.

that a lot for your tips ;)


Marco Speranza <>

Google Code:

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