On 26 January 2012 14:39, Gilles Sadowski <gil...@harfang.homelinux.org> wrote:
> Hello.
>> > It thus becomes urgent to tackle the remaining blocking issues.
>> > Can we please make a list of those, and of all practical matters that
>> > prevent the preparation of the release?
>> >
>> >
>> > Thanks and best regards,
>> > Gilles
>> >
>> As far as I'm concerned, I have been concentrating recently on
>> MATH-677 and MATH-722. However, both issues are non-blocking, because
>> I don't foresee any interface change now (regarding MATH-677, exposing
>> the complex roots would just be a feature addition, as it is a private
>> class right now). MATH-722 would merely be a bug correction.
> It was my impression that an identified bug is a blocking issue.

As usual - it depends.

If the bug is a regression then it should probably block a release.
But even then, if the reason for the regression was to fix a worse
bug, then it may be OK to release.

It also depends on the relative cost of fixing the bug before and
after a release.
If the bug is in a new API, it's generally going to be cheaper to fix
before release rather than break compatibility later.

> Is it difficult to solve? If so, maybe that we can postpone it, and add a
> warning in the release notes (?).

Adding a warning for known (major) bugs is a good idea.

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