
I develop a computer algebra system in Java (JAS) at 

The system has only limited capabilities for linear algebra and its main focus 
is on general commutative and non commutative algebras. So I would eventually 
like to use linear algebra algorithms from Apache Commons Math or other 
libraries with the JAS data types (e.g. polynomials). However, the 
interoperability is hindered as there must be adaptor classes to implement the 
respective interfaces and to delegate the computation to the respective 
implementation. For example see


As this has obvious disadvantages I propose to design and agree on a common 
set of interfaces to improve the situation. The interfaces could be hosted at 
ACM and then used by all interested parties. As there are already some related 
issues in the ACM Jira issue tracker with respect to the interfaces, for 


it might be the time to work in the proposed direction. As I am not familiar 
with the ACM solution and conclusion finding and decision making, please make 
proposals on how we could work together, if you have interests in the same 

Kind regards

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