Am 17.01.2012 00:55, schrieb Ralph Goers:
On Jan 16, 2012, at 12:48 PM, Oliver Heger wrote:
Am 16.01.2012 14:02, schrieb Emmanuel Bourg:
Thank you for the hard work Oliver. The generified API alone is worth a
release IMHO. Other Java 5 features like better synchronization can be
added later.
I think the heavy refactoring can still take place on the experimental
branch, the Java 5 migration is simply no longer one of its main
It is also my point of view that we have enough stuff for the 1.8 release. It
is not a problem to push out version 1.9 with new features in the near future.
That said, release preparations always take some time, so Ralph, if you come up
with some code or enhancements, just go ahead.
Regarding the experimental branch: Maybe we should step back and start a new
discussion about design changes, new features, and the scope of Configuration
2.0? Just to get a clearer direction.
None of my items should be considered as a blocker for a release.
Maintaining the experimental branch alongside trunk has been a bit of a pain.
The locking was never ported to it. Now that the Java 5 refactoring has been
done to trunk I'm really not sure what value there is in the experimental
branch. If we were to head off in a 2.0 the way I'd like to see it go I
wouldn't want to have 3 branches, and the experimental branch doesn't make the
fundamental changes I'd really like to see.
The experimental branch is surely outdated; I did not port my recent
changes to it either. It seems to be in a pretty messy state. This is
the major reason why I suggested thinking again about the goals of
version 2.0.
We can certainly make use of some stuff that has been developed on the
branch. But my feeling is that we are better off starting anew with the
current trunk.
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