Am 16.01.2012 12:00, schrieb Benedikt Ritter:
Am 15.01.2012 20:23, schrieb James Ring:
Google Guava has all this and more, and it doesn't require an
extension to
ArrayList, any Iterable will do.

Hi James,

thanks for the response! I agree with you, that google guava does the
same and that it does it better. In fact I do think, that there are
things, that guava does even better than commons collections. For
example using generics...

Hi James its me again,

browsing through github, I found a mirrored commons collections repository. And guess what: they have already implemented generics for the next release to come. To be honest, I should have looked at the trunk of collections svn repository. I'm sorry, that I didn't and send a almost completely pointless post to the mailing list.

However, I have decided to fork commons collections mirrored github repository and try to see, if I can improve something. So stay tuned!


However, what I do not agree with, is that this means, that there is no
need for an extension of commons collections. I mean, then ASF could
also stop developing tomcat, because there are clearly other application
servers out there, that provide all functionality that tomcat has and
maybe more.

The FAQs on how to contribute just say "if you see something that can be
improved, create a patch". And not "...that can be improved, but has not
yet been implemented in some other library".
If "not implementing functionality, that has been implemented elsewhere"
is a common policy of commons or of commons collections, then I would
recommend to put this in the FAQs on how to contribute (although I
think, that would be a very bad thing to do, as I pointed out above).

Having all that said, I still think that linking Predicates to queries
would be a real improvement for commons collections. And I still would
like to contribute the functionality somehow. I see your point, that
extending java base classes is not the best thing to do. But as I said:
I am willing to make what ever adjustment is required (also it seems to
me, that this means re-writing the hole thing from scratch ;-)

So, what do you think?

On Jan 15, 2012 3:59 AM, "Benedikt Ritter"<>


I have written a small extension for java.util.ArrayList, that allows
qerrying Lists using (generic) predicates. In addition to that, I
adapted**domain.Specifications class as a util to
link predicates to queries. Here is how it works:

QueryableList<Customer> qList = new QueryableArrayList<Customer>()**;
qList.getAll(new Predicate<Customer>() {

public boolean evaluate(Customer element) {
if (element.getLastName().**startsWith("B")) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

This will give you a List containing all customers, that match the given
predicate. Using the Query class, we can link predicates via AND and
OR or
simply neglect them (the next example assumes, that we have a static
of the not and where method and startsWith(String) and bornAfter(int)
util methods, that return predicates):

List<Customer> queryResult = qList.getAll(not(startsWith("**B")));
queryResult =
queryResult =

In addition to that, there are implementations of common collection
methods using predicates:

public boolean containsMatch(Predicate<E> predicate);
public Iterator<E> matchIterator(Predicate<E> predicate);
public boolean retainAllMatches(Predicate<E> predicate);
public boolean removeAllMatches(Predicate<E> predicate);

...and common list methods:

public int indexOfMatch(Predicate<E> predicate);
public int lastIndexOfMatch(Predicate<E> predicate);

I think QueryableCollections would fit nicely into commons collections,
because as far as I know, commons collections only offers you the
opportunity to validate if all elements in a collection match a given
predicate. There is no possibility to easily query for objects matching
some criteria.
Having that said, I would like to contribute all source code of
QueryableCollections. I am willing to make what ever changes are

Here are some thinks that I think will need to be adjusted before
- swtich from my generic Predicate implementation to
although I really would like to see generics in commons collections. It
saves you all the instanceof statements.
- As far as I can see commons collections does not extend classes from
java.util.* but decorates them. As I said QueryableArrayList is an
extension of ArrayList. If there is a general policy of not extending
base classes, this would have to be changed.
- Re-Implement jUnit tests using jUnit 3.8.1 (instead of jUnit 4.1.0)
- change licence agreement von LGPL to Apache License

All source code (and example code) is available at github:


You can download a build from my blog:

I'm really exited to hear what you guys think of QueryableCollections.
Benedikt Ritter


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