Oracle declared 1.5 EOL a good while back; ie) no security fixes; why
should we encourage users to be on outdated versions?

Especially as I think there are pretty big security issues unfixed in
1.5 (the magic floating number crash for example). If you're still on
1.5, you have worse problems than pieces of Commons throwing a

I'm tempted to go as far as to say it's irresponsible of us to support 1.5 :)


On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 2:55 AM, sebb <> wrote:
> On 12 January 2012 08:20, Henri Yandell <> wrote:
>> Tell me why 1.6 is a problem again?
> Because there are likely to be many companies still using Java 1.5 out there.
> I was hoping to fix the code so they are not prevented from using the
> new version.
>> This is DB-helper code, so much less worried about use cases like Android.
>> Hen
>> On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 3:05 AM, sebb <> wrote:
>>> I did some experimenting with BeanProcessor to see what would be
>>> involved in providing Java 1.5 support.
>>> As part of this, I tried commenting out the new code that requires Java 1.6.
>>> All tests still worked.
>>> I then commented out most of the rest of the else if clauses in the
>>> processColumn method, and the unit tests still worked.
>>> I think it might be fairly easy to recode the SQLXML section so it
>>> still works in Java 1.5, but without a proper unit test, this is
>>> difficult to prove.
>>> In any case, more unit tests are definitely needed.
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