2012/1/12 Sébastien Brisard <sebastien.bris...@m4x.org>:
> Hi Henri
>> "Hi, about this Python code you wrote 14 years ago" :)
> :))))))
>> Highly unlikely he's jumping at the bit to code in Commons Math.
>> Still, sending a thanks is polite and I'd recommend you doing it as it
>> always sounds best coming from the person closest to the commit.
> That's how I felt about it, but I certainly do not want to act "above
> my rank". Thanks for this advice, I'll remember about it next time I
> come across this issue.

With the exception of the PMC Chair, where pulling rank is a
last-ditch option and should be avoided, and the PMC for the binding
vote, where ignoring a -1 from non-PMC would be a very bad sign, every
committer has the same 'rank'.

Some of us have lots of outdated anecdotes that may educate, inspire
or more likely simply bore, but that's it. :)


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