On 9 January 2012 17:06, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 11:55 AM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 9 January 2012 15:46, Gary Gregory <ggreg...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Good day to you all:
>>> I have prepared Commons Pool 1.6-RC4.
>>> There is NO change from RC3.
>>> This RC exists because I blew up the Nexus staging repository for RC3
>>> and a new RC is needed for a clean release process.
>>> The only changes from 1.5.7 are the additions of generics and
>>> therefore requires Java 5.
>>> Tag:
>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/proper/pool/tags/POOL_1_6_RC4/
>>> Site:
>>> https://people.apache.org/builds/commons/pool/1.6/RC4/
>>> Binaries:
>>> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachecommons-043/
>>> The link above includes checksum files.
>> But these disappear when the staging repo is promoted or dropped, so
>> this is not useful as a cross-check (if that's what's intended).
> Hm, I am not sure I understand. Cross check with what? The RC3 staging
> repos is gone, it was not salvageable by a mere Maven/Nexus mortal
> like me.

I've not use Nexus upload much - I only used it to release the Daemon
jars from the existing binary release, but that worked fine.

> This is a new RC with my guarantee that nothing has changed from the
> previous RC: the RC3 and RC4 tags contain the same version of the same
> files.

Which is necessary (but not sufficient) to ensure the release is the same.

> Yes, the files were rebuilt by maven, but nothing changed in
> the source files. I am taking the conservative path with a new RC and
> vote instead of deploying to Nexus, closing, and releasing the repo,
> because as you mentioned, we vote on the contents of a specific Nexus
> staging repo. And yes the repo goes away after a release but that has
> always been like that. Are you suggesting a different process?

I'm suggesting that having the actual hashes in the VOTE e-mail is
better for traceability as the dist and Maven repo contents can be
linked directly to the VOTE.

I guess that one can also follow the Nexus promotion mail trail and
tie it to the vote, but AFAICT that does not prove conclusively that
the artifacts present in a repo are identical to the ones voted on.

It would also have avoided needing to re-run the VOTE, had you (or
someone else) been able to recreate the staging repo from the original

> Thank you,
> Gary
>>> [ ] +1 release it
>>> [ ] +0 almost, please fix:
>>> [ ] -1 no because:
>>> This VOTE is open for at least 72 hours, until Janurary 12 2011, 10:30 EST.
>>> Changes:
>>> o [POOL-208] Support Java 1.5 Generics in version 1.x.
>>> Thank you and happy new year,
>>> Gary
>>> --
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