On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 1:41 PM, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> OK, sorry if I ask the same question in the same dumb way all the
>> time... but we have figured out 1.5 will be binary compatible with
>> 1.6.
>> We can't we then simply drop 1.5 and go forward with 1.6?
>> So far i have see the reason: Tomcat 5.5 runs with jdk1.4.2. Is this
>> actually the reason we don't go forward? Because another project needs
>> the 1.5 series?
>> If this is the case, then the EOL of Tomcat 5.5 is the earliest EOL of Pool 
>> 1.5.
>> This does mean pool can earliest go forward in September 2012:
>> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-55-eol.html
>> Just want to know. I ask this because I start to believe we should
>> introduce EOL dates for our components.
> I think components stay alive as long as we do the work to keep them
> alive. If I want to put in the time for [foo], then it is alive if I
> get votes for a release. Having an EOL makes things more constrained
> IMO. It sure is motivation to move on though, like in the case of JDK
> EOLs! :)


Well, on the other hand we can give the Commons users some kind of a plan...
in addition, all these discussion on bc, jdk-version and so on can be
relaxed then.
I am not in favor to any constraints, but I am also tired of reading
the same discussions all over the time.
And this might help us identify inactive components.



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