On 20 December 2011 17:25, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> +1 to cleaning it up.
> Do you want to set the POM to Java 5 while you're in there? The code
> does not compile on Java 1.4.

Not sure why that was not found ages ago. Presumably the CI builds are
set up incorrectly.

As I already explained, I'm not keen on allowing 1.5 source without
fixing generics, and I don't have time to fix generics at present as

Dunno if it is possible to allow Java 1.5 run-time library without 1.5
source; that would be a useful work-round until generics have been

> This would then be an opportunity to upgrade the plugins and add
> FindBugs, Checkstyle, and PMD reports.

These are not related.
The JVM used to run Maven is not tied to the JVM needed to compile/test.

> Gary
> On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 12:16 PM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> There are lots of throws clauses on methods that don't actually throw them.
>> These mainly relate to ImageReadException and ImageWriteException
>> In the case of an abstract class, or a class that's designed for
>> sub-classing, that may be OK, but the throws clauses should then be
>> documented to avoid compiler warnings.
>> Otherwise, the clauses should probably be removed - agreed?
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