I've added some Javadoc to classes to indicate which ones are supposed
to be thread-safe and which are not.

AFAICT, there remain 2 classes to be dealt with, ie

GenericKeyedObjectPool (GKOP)
GenericObjectPool (GOP)

GKOP is not currently thread-safe, as there are several mutable
variables that aren't always accessed using synch.
Adding volatile to these would fix the safe publication issue, but
might not fix all thread-safety issues.
This depends on how exactly the code uses the variables.
If the code relies on the variable not changing between references,
then the code is not thread-safe.

GOP is not thread-safe either, as the field evictionIterator is not volatile.
Adding volatile would ensure safe publication, but the field is
accessed multiple times - and may be reset to null.
As far as I can tell, the evict() method is not thread-safe because of
the way it changes the field.
I suspect the code will need to use some synchronisation. Of course
the same applies to GKOP.

Making all the configuration items final and removing the setters - as
discussed previously - will make it much easier to make the classes
I think that's the next stage.

Then the code needs to be carefully examined to see how the remaining
mutable fields are used in order to make the classes thread-safe.

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