Welcome!  Contributions (and the contributor) are always welcome.  In my
past life, I did quite a bit of graph programming to solve "business"
problems.  We used yfiles, though.  I hope to get around to playing with
[graph] someday too.  Please do submit a patch!
On Dec 4, 2011 6:43 PM, "Claudio Squarcella" <squar...@dia.uniroma3.it>

> Hello,
> I have been reading the source in the past days and I found that the
> concept of "weight" (e.g. weighted edge, graph, etc) could benefit from a
> bit of abstraction.
> The basic idea would be to have an interface called Weighted with an
> obvious method getWeight(). Changes in the code would easily derive from
> that. As a side effect it would be easy to implement new stuff like
> weighted vertices: not as glorious as weighted edges, but still needed in
> some problems (e.g. all-pairs bottleneck paths) and therefore desirable for
> a general purpose graph API.
> One step further. A weight is not necessarily a double: in some cases not
> even a number, but rather a "comparable" of some sort. So I would suggest
> to make use of generics in some way, possibly the smartest. Suggestions are
> welcome :-)
> If my thoughts meet some interest I will work on a patch.
> Ciao,
> Claudio
> P.S.
> I am a first-timer here, so what follows is a short introduction.
> I am doing a PhD in Graph Drawing and Information Visualization. I always
> looked for a standard, unified way to represent and handle graphs when
> developing prototypes. So my interest in this project is quite natural, and
> I am willing to help and see it become a robust project.
> --
> Claudio Squarcella
> PhD student at Roma Tre University
> E-mail address: squar...@dia.uniroma3.it
> Phone: +39-06-57333215
> Fax: +39-06-57333612
> http://www.dia.uniroma3.it/~**squarcel<http://www.dia.uniroma3.it/~squarcel>
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