On 11/22/11 2:01 PM, Jörg Schaible wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> Phil Steitz wrote:
>> We seem to have some renewed interest in [id] and some volunteers
>> willing to step up to help get it into a releasable state.  So I
>> would like to propose that we promote [id] to commons proper.
>> Votes, please.  This vote will close in 72 hours, or if there are
>> violent objections before then.
>> Phil
>> [ ] +1 Promote [id] to Commons proper
>> [ ] +0 OK, but...
>> [ ] -0 Not thrilled about this
>> [ ] -1 We should not do this
> -1
> Sorry, before we do not define the use cases, it does simply not make sense.
> SANDBOX-53 explains that commons-id is supposed to be added to jre/lib/ext, 
> because of the special requirements for generating UUIDs. Since it has 
> runtime deps to ant, commons-discovery and commons-logging-api they would 
> have to be added there, too. So, you mean anythings works quite well with 
> these libraries in the system classpath??? C'mon! One commons-logging 
> classpath fiasko is enough.

I would say figuring this out is part of getting it into releasable
state.  What, if any, dependencies it ends up with can be discussed
as we work towards a release.  There is a lot more to be done /
considered in the UUID code as well.  Promoting just means we intend
to work toward a release, possibly with some things removed from the
current code.

> That's why I proposed to create a uuid component only with no further 
> dependencies that *can* be used actually in such a scenario. The rest of id 
> might move to lang or stay on its own.

IIRC, the non-UUID stuff has no external dependencies, so I see no
reason to have to split them out.  I think the API (which includes
the UUID stuff as one impl) is generally useful and, pretty much for
the reasons given when it was pulled out of [lang] originally, makes
sense as an independent component.  There are some useful non-UUID
generators in there.  Why not just keep the component as [id]?

> - Jörg
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