>> I thought we were talking about gigs here.
> About 100 MB if I leave the eleven zips as individual files.  Better
> don't try to do a svn checkout over a slow line then.

Thanks Stefan for not excluding me from the compress project.
I need 50 minutes for checking out 100 MB, but only if Telekom is nice to me.

> But coming to think of it, there is no reason to keep the individual
> files if a single ZIP of 5MB can hold them, I'd just need to figure out
> how to uncompress this at build time - which I'd have to do for the
> "test resources in Maven central" approach as well.

+1 thanks again!


>> For me, a couple of megs is fine in SVN.
> So unless anybody objects I'm going to add a ZIP holding the ZIPs to
> svn (or a bzip2 compressed tar or whatever looks best).
> Stefan
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