Le 14/09/2011 17:31, Gilles Sadowski a écrit :

People taking part to this discussion[1] seem to have a hard time being
explicit about what they are trying to achieve.

From information gathered so far, the issue raised seems to have been solved
by taking advantage of the fact that the JVM loads classes at first use (i.e
methods will not be delayed by the loading of tables that they don't use).

At least, this is what I conclude from my tests that compare code with and
without preset tables (which differ by less than 50 ms). [This has yet to be
confirmed by the initial poster who reported a unexpected difference of 30

According to Alexis post from today, the loading time is rather 5ms with one setting and 182ms with the reverse setting, so there is large factor (36 times). The initial low times are explained by his benchmark which simply computed class load time. With the initial situation, this was fait as it involved computing the tables, but with the current code it was not representative anymore since it did not even load the tables, as they are loaded on demand and on a per table basis.

A _second_ issue has been bundled in the commits related to the initial
problem described above: Instead of computing the tables contents at
runtime, they are now set from litteral arrays.

In addition to being non-consensual, it is still not clear that this change
is a necessary step to fix the reported problem.

I don't understand your point. Tables can be computed at runtime or at compile time. Literal arrays is simply the easiest and most portable way to have compile-time arrays. Other options would involve really tricky steps that would be difficult to get right with different build systems. The build systems used currently are ant, maven2 and eclipse at least, and these systems are also used by Gump and Continuum. I think other people use other IDE too.

When we dicussed this initially with Sebb, we ruled out such complex settings, and decided to go with literal arrays generated once.

Is there another option we missed ?

On a PC, comparing the old "FastMath" code (no IOD, no preset) with the
latest version, I get the following timing gain for a single call to
"pow" (i.e. a function that _uses_ the tables):
   130 ms (preset)
    80 ms (no preset)
So, indeed, using preset tables does make the first call run faster.
[On subsequent calls, the difference is less than 1 microseconds (cf.

The issue is: When do we say that initialization time is too long?

I think I am lost here. What do you call preset and no preset ?

On this machine:
   Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU @ 2.40GHz
the difference is around 50 ms. Is that too long?
This will most probably be swamped in the execution time of any useful
application and in my opinion does not justify the workaround currently in

The slowliness reported initially (9 seconds to ~1 minute on a "low-end"
device) is indeed excessive.
But can we please draw the line at some meaningful value instead of
prematurely over-optimizing for a one-shot gain?

I agree with you. From direct experience with the Android application, I experienced a loading delay slightly below one minute. I asked Alexis to do some benchmark and he reported most of the time was due to FastMath, thenk I asked him to open a Jira issue.

I'm not sure anymore which benchmarks are flawed and which benchmarks are representative. Unfortunately, due to some low level kernel issue, I cannot do any benchmark by myself on my tablet except user level timing (I can't connect my tablet to my computer and run it in a monitored mode). So I am waiting for a new version of the complete application for such user-lvel timings, and cannot do anything about sub-second precise timings. I am sorry for that.

Can we also lay out rules about what consitutes an acceptable request for a

I don't think that is OK to just say that "FastMath" is too slow. The master
argument here was often that one should provide a (realistic) use case.

I see that a faster startup time would benefit an application required to
be restarted several times per second. But how realistic would that be?

This occurs in web services. This is a kind of application we get more and more often. I don't know at all how the server handles upcoming requests, and in particular if classes are reloaded or not, reoptimized or not. I know for sure the JVM is not restarted from scratch.

Another kind of application we have is small user computation (things akin to a pocket calculator). The android application we speak about belongs to this category. It is a space flight dynamics calculator that performs simple conversions (orbit conversions, frames conversions, time conversions, visibility detection, spacecraft impulse maneuvers). There are no high frequency repetition, but there are human factors. Typically, if you would have to wait more than one seconds to get the results of a multiplication in your pocet calculator, you would be upset. Here, we have to wait 57 seconds. The last benchmarks seem to imply FastMath was not the only culprit, despite what was initially identified. It is however part of the problem and for the web services case I think it is really worth improving its loading time.

And would "FastMath" be the single bottleneck in such a case?
Moreover, if there was such need to be able to restart the JVM several times
per second, then I'd draw the attention to the fact that "FastMath" is not
the right tool: Indeed, for the first call to "pow", it is still about 150
slower than "Math" or "StrictMath". Does that suggest that we must implement
some way so that users are able to select whether CM will use "Math" or

On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 02:51:31PM +0100, sebb wrote:

I don't think minimising the class source file size is nearly as
important as the startup time.

First, it's not only about source size, but also code versus tables.
The former is self-descriptive.

Yes, but we don't expect anybody to read the whole table. Reading only some comments above it pointing to the code that was used to generate them is sufficient.

Second, not only source file is larger, but so is bytecode size.
Without the preset tables, the ".class" file for was 38229 bytes long.
With all the changes to accomodate preset tables, there are now 5 ".class"
files with the following sizes:
   8172  FastMathCalc.class
  34671  FastMath.class
  35252  FastMath$ExpFracTable.class
  49944  FastMath$ExpIntTable.class
  39328  FastMath$lnMant.class

For the same functionality, this results in more than a four-fold increase
in bytecode size.[2]

Yes, so what ?
Many performance problems end up with a trade-off between memory and execution time. As memory is cheap the current trend is to go to large tables in many places. Even inside processors, or any decent mathematical functions libraries, there are tables. One of the problems with such functions is even named the "table maker dilemma" (the term was coinde by Kahan if I remember well, who is well know for all his work on floating point arithmetic and IEEE standard).

I would gladly accept tables up to a few megabytes. For now I would be worried by tables larger than several tens of megabytes. However, I am convinced that in 3 to 5 years for now I would say otherwise and would start saying that megabytes tables are small and worries start at gigagbytes. Now we have 3 tables and the largest is 50 kilobytes, this is small and does almost fit within many processor caches, which are currently of the order of magnitude of 35kbytes for 5 years old processors (I don't have a more recent processor to check newer values).




[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MATH-650
[2] In CM, the average size of a ".class" file is about 5885 bytes.

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