No.  I have to admit that I haven't looked at these classes for a long time.
 I am glad to hear that sampling is in the distributions.

On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 3:09 PM, Phil Steitz <> wrote:

> Another example comes from the random distributions.  The current design
> separates generating values from evaluating CDF's even though users think
> of
> those as operations on the same object.  Moreover, there is an intricate
> lattice of (unique) implementations and interfaces that the user has to
> figure out when all they want is a distribution.  This isn't user centered
> design.   And it doesn't facilitate improvement or back compatibility.
> Have you looked at the code in trunk for the distributions?  Does it
> still need to be made easier to use?  We added sampling directly to
> the distribution classes.  If it still looks too hard to use,
> patches are welcome as we prepare for 3.0.
> Phil
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