sebb wrote:

> On 4 September 2011 11:23, sebb <> wrote:
>> On 4 September 2011 10:53, Luc Maisonobe <> wrote:
>>> Le 04/09/2011 04:57, Phil Steitz a écrit :
>>>> Same problem under Linux for parent 21.
>>> Isn't it related to a problem that arose some weeks ago about the
>>> resource not being copied from source tree to classpath ? I think it
>>> appeared first in Gump and someone updated the configuration to match
>>> what maven did automatically. Perhaps these new plugins do not behave
>>> like the previous one with respect to copying data files for tests ?
>> Yes, I think that may be it.
>> Just run another test using "mvn clean" first, and that now causes the
>> error on Windows too.
>> Sorry, I thought I had done that previously.
>> I propose to update the test case to replace the NPE with a more
>> useful message if possible.
>> And I'll have a look at which plugin is causing the problem.
> Problem solved.
> It was not a plugin version issue. The problem was caused by the
> change in parent from 20->21 which added the following:
>     <!-- ensure test jars also get NOTICE & LICENSE files -->
>     <testResources>
>       <testResource>
>         <directory>${basedir}</directory>
>         <targetPath>META-INF</targetPath>
>         <includes>
>           <include>NOTICE.txt</include>
>           <include>LICENSE.txt</include>
>         </includes>
>       </testResource>
>     </testResources>
> This replaced the default testResources definition in the super-Pom, which
> is:
>     <testResources>
>       <testResource>
>         <directory>src/test/resources</directory>
>       </testResource>
>     </testResources>
> The parent POM also redefines <resources>:
>     <resources>
>       <resource>
>         <directory>${basedir}</directory>
>         <targetPath>META-INF</targetPath>
>         <includes>
>           <include>NOTICE.txt</include>
>           <include>LICENSE.txt</include>
>         </includes>
>       </resource>
>     </resources>
> This has been there since version 3. This replaces:
>     <resources>
>       <resource>
>         <directory>src/main/resources</directory>
>       </resource>
>     </resources>
> which is presumably why the MATH pom has to define its own <resources>
> entry to include the localisation directory.
> I think we have two ways forward here:
> 1) ensure that the parent resources and testResources entries include
> the default provided by the super-pom
> 2) find a different way to include the N&L files which does not
> require overriding the super-pom
> The second approach would be safer, as it would not rely on knowing
> what the super-pom does, but the first is trivial to do, so I'll start
> with that.

I'd like to find definitely a solution following 2. The maven-eclipse-plugin 
always produces invalid entries in the .classpath for those two resource 

- Jörg

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