Bad first paragraph.

ie) the method causing trouble is not the one the user wants to use.
For example - they want to use StringUtils.chomp, and the
implementation of stripAccents is blocking them.

Sorry for the double post,


On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 9:37 PM, Henri Yandell <> wrote:
> I'm less concerned with the 115 errors, unless they're all as grievous
> as the StringUtils one - ie) the method causing trouble is not the
> only one broken.
> If the error happened when calling stripAccents, that would be
> workable; but having all of StringUtils unavailable is very painful.
> One option would be to move the code out of the static initializer and
> make it lazy when stripAccents is first called - leading to only
> callers of stripAccents when the JDK 6 class is unavailable to suffer
> pain.
> I thought we could simplify things by simply making the java6Available
> flag be a real test for Java 6, but Android seems very weird there. Is
> Android going to force us to stay on the EOL Java 5, or is it Java 6
> compatible? IIUC it reports itself as 0.9, which we've declared as
> equivalent to JDK 1.5.
> That relates to another (simple) solution - move to Java 6 :)
> Hen
> On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 5:20 PM, Gary Gregory <> wrote:
>> WRT LANG-744 "StringUtils throws on
>> Google App Engine"
>> Well, I've ruminated, pondered and experimented.
>> Running all unit tests with a security managers results in:
>> Tests run: 2046, Failures: 2, Errors: 115, Skipped: 0
>> Clearly, we need a good overall solution to avoid 117 new Jiras (an
>> exaggeration I know.)
>> I've created a JAAS policy file to grant just enough permissions to run the
>> unit tests in {{src/test/resource/java.policy}}
>> The file contains instructions for using it with JAAS.
>> What this shows is that we should either:
>> # Run all unit tests a second time with JAAS enabled, or
>> # Run all unit tests with JAAS enabled, always
>> We should our solution as a pattern for other Commons component.
>> Specifically for StringUtils, should we have a SunStringUtils? This would
>> let you know that you are depending on com.sun code.
>> Thoughts?
>> --
>> Thank you,
>> Gary

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