for most of the information
as I am using the maven release plugin. But I'm also referring to to try to make sure nothing is
missed. This process has been a bit painful for me as most commons projects
aren't multi-projects and it is my first time as acting as a release manager
at the ASF.


On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 1:28 PM, Oliver Heger

> Am 16.08.2011 10:40, schrieb Ralph Goers:
>> On Aug 15, 2011, at 12:39 PM, Oliver Heger wrote:
>>  I would release 1.7 without vfs 2.0, we can still release 1.8 later when
>>>> vfs is ready.
>>> Probably a question of time. If the vfs 2.0 release is a matter of some
>>> days or weeks, this is no problem. The release preparations for
>>> [configuration] will take some time, too. However, if we were talking about
>>> some more months, I would prefer a release without vfs, too.
>> As you've probably noticed I've been working on this and hope to get it
>> locked down in a day or two.
> That's great, Ralph!
> BTW, which release instructions do you follow? I will have to do the same
> dance...
> Oliver
>> Ralph
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