On 16 August 2011 00:48, Ralph Goers <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com> wrote:
> I am using Maven 3 to do my release of Commons VFS and have noticed that I am 
> getting way more junk than I expected in Nexus. The first thing I'm 
> investigating are the site.xml files being deployed.  Do we have a 
> requirement that these should be deployed?  Why does commons parent have the 
> site plugin configured with attach descriptor. I see a discussion from back 
> in January where Gary made the change but it doesn't say why this was needed.
> Is it OK for me to delete the site.xml files that were deployed to Nexus?


By the way, you can easily test what would be deployed by using the
-Ptest-deploy profile.
This deploys to the local directory target/deploy, but otherwise
behaves the same.

> Ralph
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