
> > [...]
> >>> Cases such as this would fall in the "illegal argument" category.
> >>> Thus:
> >>>
> >>>   throw new OutOfRangeException(index, 0, parameters.length);
> >>>
> >>> or, to get a more detailed message,
> >>>
> >>>   OutOfRangeException e = new OutOfRangeException(index, 0, 
> >>> parameters.length);
> >>>   e.addMessage(INDEX, index);
> >>>   throw e;
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Of course, "OutOfRangeException" cannot inherit from both
> >>> "IllegalArgumentException" and "IndexOutOfBoundsException"...
> >> I thought about that, but would prefer to throw
> >> ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException because that is really what is going
> >> on and I would prefer to throw the standard exception.  Ideally, I
> >> would like to throw that with a message reporting the value and the
> >> length of the array.  So, there are three choices:
> >>
> >> 0) throw AIOB with no message
> >> 1) subclass and throw with localized message - my suggestion above
> >> 2) OutOfRangeException
> >>
> >> I like 1) the best and since we have decided to deprecate the
> >> MathRuntimeException, note that it applies to all of the other
> >> standard exceptions generated by MathRuntimeException's createXxx
> >> methods that have not yet been subclassed.  I think we should follow
> >> the generally accepted practice to favor standard exceptions, so
> >> that means we are going to have to create wrappers for all that we
> >> use.  I am willing to help with this.  In this case, I will go ahead
> >> and add the MathArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException that will be an
> >> ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if others are OK with this.   Note
> >> that doing this will allow us to handle situations where IAE is not
> >> appropriate (essentially why AIOB does not itself extend IAE).
> > As I understand it, AIOB is a low-level exception that is thrown by the JVM
> > checking an array access:
> > ---CUT---
> >   i = 3;
> >   double a = arr[i]; // <--- can throw AIOB
> > ---CUT---
> >
> > However, I don't see how a user code can be similar to this: When you check
> > the index in your above code, you didn't try to access the array yet. You've
> > detected that it won't work because the index value is "out of range", thus,
> > "illegal".
> When we are about to access an array, we can perform the check.  We
> can either just allow the JVM to throw the RTE (essentially my
> option 0) above) or provide some more context info to the user (my
> option 1) or throw an entirely different exception (option 2).  It
> is good to throw some kind of AIOB when that is in fact what is
> going on, as it provides more context info than just "something is
> out of range" (OutOfRangeException). 

As shown above, you can add as many items of context information as you want
with the exception context. The example I've suggested above will create a
message that will print something like:

  OutOfRangeException: 3 out of [0, 2] range: index (3)

I find this quite clear; but we can even add another "LocalizedFormats" like
"ARRAY_INDEX" if you really need the above to read:

  OutOfRangeException: 3 out of [0, 2] range: array index (3)

However, the crux of my point is that the "array" part is an implementation
detail. A user should not care that a sequence of data is stored in an array
of primitives or in a "List" or a CM's "RealVector". The real info is that
the index used to access the data must fall within a range; if not, it is
"out of range".

Then, what I was saying in the previous post is that we should not throw
AIOB because we are not the JVM. In Java, that exception is a *result* of
"calling" the [] operator. Your test happens before calling it; and an
"OutOfRangeException" is as accurate as necessary but not more (so as not to
leak about the internals of a class).


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