On 2011-07-28, Oliver Heger wrote:

> Minor nit: The RAT report on the site contains a bunch of files which
> should not probably be there. When I build the site locally, it looks
> cleaner.

This - again - seems to be because I ran the site:stage-deploy with
stagingDirectory set to src/site as the UsingNexus page suggests.  The
Wiki probably is wrong but I don't feel qualified to fix it.

The site that I'm going to deploy once the release is official will look
different anyway - since the release date will be fixed.

As for the RAT report in general: RAT doesn't detect cpio and ar files
as archives right now and I don't think the Maven plugin we use (still
the Codehaus one) supports exclude lists.  RAT 0.7-incubating would do.


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